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Britiske værdier

Promoting British values through our ethos, the curriculum, our personal, social, emotional and cultural development, and through our Church of England Religious Education curriculum. 

Reinforcing values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance. 



The DfE have reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.” 

Department for Education 



The Government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy and these were reiterated in 2014. 

At The Whitchurch C of E Federation we reinforce and promote British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance in the following ways: 


Individual Liberty 

Rule of Law 

Mutual Respect 




It is important that children feel part of the Academy community and that their opinions and ideas are valued. 

Children have many opportunities for their voices to be heard and there are a number of varied roles such as Playground Leaders, School Council, Pupil Parliament, House Captains. Pupil’s voices are heard through regular meetings. The elected pupils discuss issues and suggest ways to improve the life of the Federation and how we can contribute to the local community. 

Children discuss and decide which charities and fundraisers the school should support for the year, and coordinate with the organisation of these events. 



Within our Academy, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As an academy we educate and provide boundaries for children to make choices safely. There is also a wide range of children who have Buddy duties within school. Through our curricular clubs and opportunities, children are given the freedom to make choices. 


Our Academy ethos outlines our determination to prepare children for the ‘wider community’. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for young pupils to make choices safely, through provision of a safe environment and empowering education. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised as to how to exercise these safely, for example through our E-Safety and PSHE lessons. Whether it be through choice of learning challenge, of how they record, of participation in our numerous extra-curricular clubs and opportunities, pupils are given the freedom to make choices. 


The importance of laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the academy, or the country, are consistently reinforced throughout our academy days, as well as when dealing with behaviour and through school assemblies. 

Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. Visits from authorities such as the Search and Rescue, NSPCC, Police and Fire Service help reinforce this message. Circle time and PSHE is used as an opportunity to discuss difficult situations that benefit from whole class discussion. Keeping safe when using the internet is regularly discussed with children in computing lessons and in assemblies. 

Knowing, understanding and following our school rules is essential for our academy to be a safe learning environment. Assemblies, Worship and PSHE times are delivered with a focus on the law e.g. safety Awareness and E-Safety awareness. Parent workshops are offered to support parents on the law around E-Safety. 


Pupils know and understand that it is expected that respect is shown to everyone, whatever differences we may have. Children learn that their behaviour choices have an effect on their own rights and those of others. All members of the school community should treat each other with respect. 

Our R.E curriculum provides a broad and balanced education on a range of faiths, religions and cultures. At The Whitchurch Church of England Academy Christian values are at the core of our community and is embraced through our teachings. 

Assemblies are regularly planned to address this issue either directly or through the inclusion of stories and celebrations from a variety of faiths and cultures. Our PSHE Programme is delivered through a cross curricular approach. 

Members of different faiths or religions are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within classes and the school. 

We believe our academy to be at the centre of our local community; our vision and values are embodied in celebrations and events such as inter-generational work, the school fair, our charitable work and participation in various sporting, academic and artistic endeavours.



Vigtigheden af ​​love, hvad enten det er dem, der styrer klassen, skolen eller landet, forstærkes konsekvent ved

Whitchurch Church of England Federation.


Gennem vores klare og positive adfærdspolitik udvikler vi vores børns forståelse af vigtigheden af ​​at følge regler; at de holder os og de omkring os i sikkerhed. Børns selvregulering og forståelse af, at deres adfærd påvirker andre og kan få konsekvenser, er også en vigtig del af læring i hele vores forbund.

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Vi giver børnene mange små roller med ansvar gennem Føderationen, for eksempel klasse VIP, juniorbibliotekarer, tilbedelsesledere, og dette hjælper dem med at føle en følelse af stolthed og selvværd; hvilket styrker forståelsen af, hvad der er 'den rigtige ting at gøre.'

Besøg fra samfundspartnere som politi og brandvæsen hjælper også med at udvikle vores børns forståelse af roller i samfundet.

Rule of Law

Individuel frihed

I The Whitchurch Church of England Federation får børn friheden til at træffe valg, idet de ved, at de er i et sikkert og støttende miljø.


Eleverne opfordres til at kende, forstå og udøve deres rettigheder og personlige frihedsrettigheder og rådes om, hvordan de udøver dem sikkert, for eksempel gennem vores E-sikkerhed og PSHE-lektioner.


Børn lærer grænser, og hvordan man tager 'sikre risici' gennem vores udendørs læringsplan.


De understøttes for at udvikle selvkendskab, selvtillid og modstandsdygtighed til at klare tilbageslag.


RE, kollektiv tilbedelse og PSHE-læseplanen styrker mulighederne for at udforske synspunkter og meninger.

Individual Liberty

Gensidig respekt og tolerance over for andre

Forbundet har en meget stærk inklusiv etos af omsorg og respekt udviklet omkring et eksplicit engagement i kristne værdier. Selvrespekt og respekt for andre udgør en central del af vores værdisystem.


Vi erkender, at selvom vores forbund har et kristent fundament, kommer nogle af vores børn fra en bred vifte af baggrunde, herunder børn fra andre trossamfund. Det er Foreningens mål at give børn en atmosfære, praksis og uddannelse, hvor deres åndelige liv og erfaring vil udvikle sig.


Gaverne fra 'Respekt, venlighed, ærlighed, tillid og fred' er de værdier, vi håber og stræber efter, som vores børn fremmer i løbet af deres tid på vores spædbarnsakademi. Når vores børn fortsætter deres læringsrejse gennem vores juniorakademi, fokuserer vi på de ekstra værdier af 'Mod, ansvar, kreativitet, udholdenhed og medfølelse'.


Alle medlemmer af skolefællesskabet behandler hinanden med respekt. Gennem vores læseplan for religiøs uddannelse fremmer vi tolerance og forståelse af en række trosretninger, religioner og kulturer. Som kirkeskole fremmer vi denne tolerance og forståelse gennem vores kristne værdier og vores daglige kollektive tilbedelse. 'Talk Partners' udvikler vores børns evne til aktivt at lytte til andres ideer og meninger. Børn udvikler fair play gennem vores PE-læseplan.

Mutual Respect and the Tolerance of those with different Faiths and Beliefs

Kontakt os

Whitchurch CE Infant and Nursery Academy


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Whitchurch CE Junior Academy

Mrs S Camacho


T: 01948662255


© Copyright 2019 af The Whitchurch Church of England Federation.

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Whitchurch CE Infant & Nursery og Whitchurch CE Junior Academies drives af St Bart's Multi-Academy Trust, som er et velgørende selskab begrænset af garanti og registreret i England og Wales med firmanummer 08735454.

Registreret kontor: Belgrave St Bartholomew's Academy, Sussex Place, Stoke On Trent, Staffordshire, ST3 4TP

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